Why does the work on our documentary still fascinate and challenge me every day, even after more than three years?
It’s the people and it’s issues. The memories,
the points of view and the questions.
How different normal can be!
Our film composer Stefan Ziethen once said to me. And he´s right!
To make our world a bit better, it doesn’t always need experts, but people like you and me who think about it and give an impulse to how we can shape our future.
The search for an solution in a complex world, in which we will not get easy answers, comes up again and again in ON THIS DAY. The global warming, the break in our society and our media consumption as well as the question:
How far is the press allowed to go?
Whether in front of or behind the camera, comes to the surface every time.
Our documentary connects the global events and our protagonists.
It raises questions and gives space for thoughts.
And exactly these close encounters
change the way I see the world
and show me new perspectives and are
my intension together with my team and our
protagonists to start the attempt:
To make the world a little bit better.
Everyone in it´s own small world –
Our microcosm!
Caroline Rosenau,
producer, director, film editor